Dana Tomsa Oberhoffer

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Aggiunto il 19 gen 2008

La Chiave di Venere - Tecnica mista/tela (contiene coloranti e vernici composte da sostanze vegetali e minerali; la tecnica prevede vari e molteplici passaggi e sovrapposizioni di stesure pittoriche)

Tecnica ideata e utilizzata in via esclusiva :

"The pictorial work of Dana Tomsa ... solitary figures, children, clowns, women of ancient beauty,
appear suspended and undefended, compared with myths, astonished in front of sculptures
and resigned angels.
The first impression is of a delicate and discrete vision, wich consequently suddenly becomes intense , nearly liturgical .
It is a chromatic vision ,wich transforms itself into a musical score, from chiaro scuri emerges. The colour densifies and expands creating provisorial locations without definitions and then concentrating without any interruption to become forms that will leave you to expect other events. Words cannot explain the tender and unrestrained visual efficacy of Tomsa art where there is no uncertainty .It even seems that the artist is pushed from a burst of impellent activity. Every single painting expelles dynamism ,every painting offers a door or window that invites you to enter or to look out or to participate to the events depicted in .In the art of Dana Tomsa transpire a bold and daring époque ,a reminiscence of their ancestors stubborn and haughty ,detached from the past-wich has turned rusty for the future.
…forms and different locations created with vigorous ,elaborated stubborn and efficient techniques awaiting or predicting events, inside a chromatic space that reboil with tension and wich expand beyond the frame of the painting itself…”
Claudio Barletta (1996)

Realizzato da Artmajeur